Monday, April 18, 2011

Basking......GREAT TIME TOGETHER.....

So many things and great times happen to me this weekend...Even my first exam start on Saturday (16042011)...but still, i enjoyed the moment..the weekend!! 
*cehh nak speaking lak bagai kan...xperlu yer... :)

Sorry kalau video ni pelik cikit...sebab aku terpaksa re-record through lappy sbb ade error ape bende ntah..

Uncle ni sangat la bez...die nampak je macam orang tak betol,tpi sangat kelakar and sporting...
Aunty tu request for OH CHAROL...then dengan sporting nye die nyanyi...cumil sgt..
Location ::: Jonker Walk, Melaka....
Za'in said : "Uncle ni kembar Jackie Chan" .... ?_?

Same cibok kan budak ni...uncle tu nak basking,die pon same cibok nak basking jugak..hehe...

"Haiyaa..waa tak boleh nak cari makan law ini budak sudah start main gitar "

 p/s : find more interesting things there........

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